Joe Clarke ▪ freelance copywriter
Joe Clarke ▪ freelance copywriter

Joe Clarke ▪ freelance copywriter

Hey, welcome! Thanks for stopping by and, please, make yourself at home.

Shall we do introductions? I'll go first:

I'm a copywriter for ethical and purpose-led business.


That's LinkedIn Joe, though. Simply put:

I help businesses that do good, sound good.


That's me in my natural habitat. Beneath a massive banana plant in Mid Devon.


What I can do for you

Sounding good differs from client to client, but tends to include:


Revitalising your website and ads with razor-sharp copy that cuts through the noise, speaks to your ideal customers, and generates sales

Brand voice development

Defining and refining how your business 'sounds' and communicates, everywhere it communicates

Social media management

Making your social media presence shine by creating content that resonates with your audience, amplifies your message, and helps you achieve your goals

Marketing strategy

The bigger picture of what your business is about, where it's going, and how it'll get there

I also offer some set packages at preferential rates.

Take a look. You might be able to get what you want for less!

Who I've worked with (an incomplete list)

🥛 ReRooted

In brief: marketing strategy, content creation, social media management


In brief: website copy, social copywriting, campaign planning


In brief: social media strategy and content creation

🐘 Lightfoot

In brief: copywriting, PR, and tone of voice development


In brief: marketing strategy, product launches, content creation


In brief: community engagement, campaign planning, social media

I've also done plenty of work agency-side and under NDA which means, if I told you, I wouldn't have to kill you or anything, but I'd probably get a letter from a big law firm and start sweating profusely.

Confrontation is not my strong suit. Nor is litigation.

What my work looks like

I've worked with those lovely folk (and more), but that's just a list of names.

If you want to know why brilliant people like that choose to work with me, take a look at some of these examples.

As well as writing for some stellar clients, I write for myself on occasion, too.

Sometimes it's a personal piece. Sometimes, I'll spot great marketing in the wild and want to share why I love it with the world. For examples of that, check out...

Ethical customer acquisition

Learn how Triodos Bank acquires new customers for just £85 - without compromising their values.

The future's in fandoms

Or read up on why I think fandoms are the future of sports marketing, with a little help from Watford's Ben Foster.

What people say about working with me

How nice are that lot?!

What it costs to hire me

Openness is important to me and the way I do business, but it's not really possible for me to state a single go-to price when your project is as unique as the next person's.

I try to price my work based on outputs and the value generated (rather than the time spent), but some projects just have to work on day rates.

My day rate is £320.

Can I do it for less?
Do I offer any deals or discounts?

I reserve a half-day each month for pro bono work with charities.

Get in touch if you'd like some marketing support!

How I run my business

I'm good at what I do, but I'm best at it when I'm not hunched over my laptop from 9 until 6 every day.

If I'm jumping between emails, Slack, social media dopamine hits, and every other pingy dingy thingy on my computer, I'm not going to do the great work you've hired me for.

So, I've got a few systems, processes, and checks and balances in place - for both our sakes.

👨🏻‍💻 How I work

I work in focused sprints of two or three hours, with long breaks in between.

I don't have regular daily working hours. Sometimes I'm out of bed and straight to it, sometimes I don't start until the evening.

But, I'm flexible. I'll always try my best to fit with your schedule, as well as my own.

📅 Workweek

I work for clients four days a week.

📴 Time off

I take a week off every 7 or 8 weeks. It's for the good of my health and, consequently, my work.

I'll always let you know about any time off I've got planned well in advance. I'll also make sure our timeline for completing our project isn't affected.

🔐 Insurance

Dinghy reckon I'm a safe bet and have provided me with Professional Indemnity Insurance to the tune of £100,000. So, our work together is covered.

📧 Emails

I check my emails twice a day - when I start work and when I finish work.

📲 Calls

I'm a writer by trade and by nature, but I'm not going to block your number if you call me. If we work together, you'll find my phone number in our contract.

How you can reach me

Know exactly what you need?

No idea where to begin?


Somewhere in between?

Whatever your situation, all you need to do to kick things off is send one quick email to: