Copywriting and content writing

My happy place?

Sitting in front of the blinking cursor of a Google Doc.

I mean, that's not true... but I really do enjoy helping people (and their businesses) show themselves in their best light, communicating what they do in a way their audience loves and understands.

Want to know if I can do that for you?

I bet I can, but take a look at some of the words I've written before, so you don't just have to take my word for it.

Blog posts and articles

If I had a reputation for being cool, I'd gladly ruin it by proudly proclaiming how much I love writing articles for myself and for other people. There are stacks of examples I could show you, but I've chosen two that are more than the sum of their parts.

Timing is everything and this article for SWGfL dropped at just the right time to answer the last-minute worries parents had about the games consoles under their Christmas tree.

This sneaky blog post I wrote for Lightfoot shows you can write for SEO without sacrificing your tone of voice. It ranks #1 on Google for the keyphrase "Lightfoot review".

Website copy

Your website is like your shop window. If it doesn't look good and show people who you are and what you can do for them, they'll walk right past without a second thought.

Take a look at Lightfoot's careers page, fizzing with life and personality while also sharing essential information.

At the other end of the scale, perfecting the copy on your products page can be the deciding factor that makes people buy.

PR and case studies

This is the stuff that really makes an impact on brand building, awareness, and sales. PR means eyeballs on you and your brand. Case studies are a major part in convincing those eyeballs to pull out their eyeball wallets and spend their eyeball cash with your business.

A good case study is your sales team's dream. Want to know some good news? I wrote a whole host of case studies for Lightfoot and I'd love to write yours, too!

I'm still proud that this got picked up by The Telegraph. (This wasn't a solo effort - lots of credit to Tony and Holly at Lightfoot and the teams at Stature and Absolute PR.)

Thought leadership

The phrase 'thought leadership' can provoke strong reactions but, like it or loathe it, it's become an important part of the job for many CEOs. Ultimately, it just means sharing your knowledge and insights about your industry. People hire me to turn their expertise into attention-grabbing writing.

I'd recommend taking a look at this insightful piece about managing remote employee journeys that I created in collaboration with OREQ.

For something a little more visionary and 'big picture', feast your eyes on this detailed op-ed I wrote for Mark Roberts of Lightfoot.

Want something that I haven't listed here?

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do it. In fact, the odds are that I probably have already.

Send me your thoughts and what you'd like to achieve:


Done here? Head back to my home page or check out some testimonials from people I've helped in the past.